Unit a gundam age-2 normal
Unit Number 1051
Unit Type Medium Range Combat
Rank Arank
Topography Versatile
Movement Hovering/Hovering
Shield Yes/Yes
Faction 1 Earth Federation (A.G.)
Faction 2 N/A
Capsule CCM
Blueprint N/A
Video N/A

Ammo: Range: Reload:

Other Attributes:

Dual Beam Sabres
Weapon sabre Melee 4 hits to knockdown.
Hyper DODS Rifle
Weapon beam rifle 11 Medium Medium None.
Hyper DODS Rifle (High Output)
Weapon long rifle 1 Medium Medium Penetrates.
Inflicts Stun ailment.
Immobile while firing.

Ammo: Range: Reload:

Other Attributes:

Beam Vulcans
Weapon beam rifle 9 Medium Medium 4-shot burst.
Double shot.
Weapon none
Weapon none


Needs to be added.

Skill 1

Skill 2

Skill mobility up

Mobility Up

Skill booster extension

Booster Extension

Mobile Suit Mode

G-Strider Mode

Skill special attack melee

Melee Special Attack

Skill special attack beam

Beam Special Attack

Attack 122 Points
Defense 122 Points
Mobility 114 Points
Difficulty 94 Points

Used in Blueprint of:
